This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. Deuteronomy 30: 19-20
I Didn't Sign Up for This Life ...But I'm Finding Hope and Healing Donna's first chapter gives a list of verses to study concerning healing. I have noted what I have discovered in italics after each scripture. Discover how you can recover your joy from this great exercise!
Jeremiah 30:17 But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,' declares the LORD, 'because you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares.' The LORD desires to heal our wounds and restore our health!
Jeremiah 33:6 "'Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security. God has promised to bring health and healing to EVERY situation in our lives. He desires to give us abundant peace and security, no matter what has happened!
Luke 8:43-48 And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, [fn] but no one could heal her. She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped. "Who touched me?" Jesus asked. When they all denied it, Peter said, "Master, the people are crowding and pressing against you." But Jesus said, "Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me." Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed. Then he said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace." The Lord desires for us to reach out in faith and touch Him...His virtue will heal our physical, mental and emotional wounds!
Proverbs 12:18 Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Remember life and death is in the power of the tongue. Let's guard our lips and not let others abuse us with their words!
Proverbs 13:17-18 A wicked messenger falls into trouble, but a trustworthy envoy brings healing. He who ignores discipline comes to poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction is honored. God wants us to do the right things and make good choices. We shouldn't listen to every messenger who comes our way, those who love the Lord will speak healing words. Repent quickly of those sins the Lord reveals and God will bring prosperity and healing!
Proverbs 15:4 A [fn]soothing tongue is a tree of life, But perversion in it [fn]crushes the spirit. Again, don't listen to the accuser of the brethren and don't accuse!
Isaiah 58:6-11 "Is this not the fast which I choose, To loosen the bonds of wickedness, To undo the bands of the yoke, And to let the oppressed go free And break every yoke? "Is it not to divide your bread [fn]with the hungry And bring the homeless poor into the house; When you see the naked, to cover him; And not to hide yourself from your own flesh? "Then your light will break out like the dawn, And your recovery will speedily spring forth; And your righteousness will go before you; The glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. "Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; You will cry, and He will say, 'Here I am.' If you remove the yoke from your midst, The [fn]pointing of the finger and speaking wickedness, And if you [fn]give yourself to the hungry And satisfy the [fn]desire of the afflicted, Then your light will risein darkness And your gloom will become like midday. "And the LORD will continually guide you, And satisfy your [fn]desire in scorched places, And give strength to your bones; And you will be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water whose waters do not[fn]fail.When we love others, especially those who have harmed us, God will restore what has been stolen, our hearts, our health and a host of other blessings!
Malachi 4:2 "But for you who [fn]fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall. Do you ever feel like skipping? This is what happens when health and wholeness comes to our bodies, through the power of Jesus!
Psalm 25:3-7 Indeed, none of those who wait for You will be ashamed; [fn]Those who deal treacherously without cause will be ashamed. Make me know Your ways, O LORD; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; For You I wait all the day. Remember, O LORD, Your compassion and Your loving kindnesses, For they have been [fn]from of old. Do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions; According to Your loving kindness remember me, For Your goodness' sake, O LORD. God does not remember our sins when we ask for forgiveness...don't let the devil or others remind us of our past, and don't continue to replay old tapes!
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