Thursday, May 26, 2011

He Will Never Change His Mind

God’s word is true and it is certain.
It divides between the soul and spirit,
that which is temporary or eternal.
It separates the darkness and the light.
It upholds what is truth and what is right.

God is true and He is certain.
He never tells us a lie,
He created the world and He loves you and I.
He will never change his mind.

God sent His Son – the Messiah our King.
He reveals His mighty plan and purpose,
to those who will believe and worship him.
He picked me up from my fall, healed,
delivered me, now calls me his own.
He will never change his mind…

No, My God will never ever change his mind.
I am certain He said, “I will never ever change my mind
and I am not a God, that I should lie.”
Trust Me my child, I will never change my mind.

God is true and He is certain.
He never tells us a lie,
He created the world and He loves you and I.
He will never change his mind.

Cinderella Released May 26, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Lord is For You - Never Against YOU

This song touched my heart today...and stirred my faith that whatever pain or loss I may feel, I know the Lord is always for me and never against me.  He will comfort me and bring me the JOY and the STRENGTH I need to love in the way He desires me to love.
The Lord is your husband, your strength and your strong tower where you can run and take refuge.  We undoubtedly will let those we love the most down, and they undoubtedly will let you down.   The great news is... He (the Lord) will always fight for you and you can ALWAYS take refuge in the ONE who will never let you down!
Click here to view a beautiful song:
 You Are For Me - by Kari Jobe

Monday, May 16, 2011

Finding joy through simple truths...


If you ever need a gentle reminder to remember what's most important in life... watch this beautiful 3 minute movie. I've watched it over 30 times and every time...I find joy!

Just click here to watch.

Don't forget to pay it forward, by sharing this e-mail with friends, family, and co-workers. They'll thank you for it!

All the Best,
Mac Anderson
Mac Anderson
Founder, Simple Truths

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

An Exercise in Writing Psalms

Listed below is an explanation of the different types of Psalms.  I challenge you to take the time to do the same!  

Please feel free to post your work.
Identity the various psalm types and describe their general characteristics.  What kinds of expressions would you expect to find in each type?  
Try to write a psalm that fits each style:
Hymn –  Songs of praise and thanksgiving to God for who he is and what he has done,
Penitential – Confess sorrow for sin, appeal to God for grace and forgiveness,
Wisdom – General observations on life, especially God and our relationship to him,
Royal – Focus on the king as son of David and as God’s chosen man to rule his people,
Messianic –Describe some aspect of the Messiah’s person or ministry,
Imprecatory – Call for God’s judgment against God’s enemies and/or his people’s enemies,
Lament-Lament one’s condition; usually include statement of lament, statement of             trust in God, and affirmation to praise to him. 

Thank you God for your outstretched arm,

You picked me up and kept me from harm.
Thank you God for your loving face,
who looked at me, a soul in need of your grace.

Lord I have sinned and fallen from you,
I’ve run and hid in shame and ignored your truth.
Restore to me the joy of my salvation,
forgive my sins, and ignite my proclamation!

Who can understand the ways of the world,
my mind is wrought with toil.
Only you Our God whose hand unfurled,
the creation of man and our Redeemer the Rock from soil.

You brought our King from the loins of David,
the government rests upon his shoulders.
Let’s proclaim our victory in Christ, the King of Kings
who leads us beside still waters.

Glory be to the Lord our God.
Glory be to the Lord our God,
for He is worthy of our praises.

Glory be to the Lord our God.
Glory be to the Lord our God,
for He is worthy of our praises.

Glory be to God the Father,
Glory be to God the Son,
Glory to the Holy Spirit,
Glory to the Three in One!

Glory be to the Lord our God.
Glory be to the Lord our God,
for He is worthy of our praises.

Lord you know where my enemies are,
Vengeance is in your hands.
With love you vindicate the poor,
and establish them in the lands.

Lord, I lay prostrate on my bed,
my heart is full of pain.
It beats with sorrow and is heavy laid,
my fate is all but plain.
I have put my life into your hands, you are not a lying God.

Your promises and plans steadfastly stand,against the obvious odds.You have never failed to hear my prayer,and likewise hear my praise.I lift my eyes to your heavenly stairs,my lips filled with joyful words upraised!

You are my King, my husband, Lord, 

who will never leave me down.I dance and sing with head held o’er,my Savior’s glorious victory crown! 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Prayer For Healing

Dear Lord,

I don't have to figure out; what is wrong with my mind, will, emotions.  I just have to have faith God can and will touch and heal it supernaturally.

I don't have to go to the doctor; to get a diagnosis or prescription.  I just have to have faith God can and will heal it supernaturally.

I don't have to figure out what; direction to go or plan to pursue for my life.  I just have to have faith God's Spirit will lead and direct me each day in His perfect will.

I don't have to fix others lives; I just have to have faith God's Spirit is working and drawing them into His Presence and know that He cares for them.

I don't have to open my ears to hear; I just have to have faith that God will allow what He wants me to hear to penetrate my soul.  His voice will I hear and none other.

I don't have to be weighted down with; oppression, depression and heaviness - I can walk in faith, power and authority knowing Christ is in me, the hope of glory!

Lord, You are mighty to save; thank you for saving me & ________________________(list names of those whose salvation you know is certain, and those whom you are praying for.)

Lord, You are mighty to heal; thank you for healing me &
_______________________(list names of those who need healing.) 

Lord, You are mighty to deliver; thank you for delivering me & _______________________(list names of those who need deliverance.)

Lord, You are mighty to fill me; thank you for filling me & _______________________(list names of those who need the infilling of the Holy Spirit.)

Lord, You are mighty to redeem; thank you for redeeming me & restoring all that has been stolen_______________________(list names of those who need redemption and restoration in their life.)

Increase my faith O, Lord, For your love is as strong as death, your jealousy is as demanding as the grave and strong waters can not quench your love for me.

Even evil spirits obey him!Amazement gripped the audience, and they began to discuss what had happened. "What sort of new teaching is this?" they asked excitedly. "It has such authority! Even evil spirits obey his orders!"Mark 1:27
Many waters cannot quench love, nor can rivers drown it. If a man tried to buy love with all his wealth, his offer would be utterly scorned. 
Song of Solomon 8:7